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She sighed and knew that if she pushed it, he would only withdraw more fully inside the shell where he seemed to be hiding. The doctors had warned her there would likely be a change in his personality, but she had not expected this very withdrawn person. She remembered a warm, fun, happy boy when he was young; and a bit of a prankster when he had entered his teens.This new Jason seemed cold, and totally different from the Jason she remembered so well. Oh, he made an effort, sometimes, but she could tell it was an effort. She sighed and considered trying to get a court order to force him into therapy... But no, that would alienate him even more.Jason was not unaware of his mothers worry. While he felt emotion, it was usually anger or rage. It would spring into being over the most minor and inconsequential of circumstances. It left him wondering, 'why'? It was very hard to control, and he had found himself reaching for... what?Also, he had been dreaming strange dreams, lately. Most. I continued fucking Becky harder and harder and after about ten minutes, she said “Here it is again. Get me off! I want to get off on you! Go deep!” From the other bedroom, we could both hear Kelly and Marcus talking about us and I heard Kelly said “Listening to them is making me cum. Fuck me with that cock. I want that cock fucking me hard!” Kelly was cumming while Becky was cumming on me. I couldn’t hold back any longer and started really hammering at Beckys cunt. Beckys hands were still on my ass and I told her I was about to cum. It dawned on me that I never asked if she wanted me to cum inside of her or not and at this point, I doubt if I could stop myself, but I asked “Can I cum inside you?” Becky said “Yessss! That’s where I want it. I want it now.” And I clamped down on her mouth and started kissing her as I felt the first shot leave my cock and hit the inside of her cunt.Over and over, I kept cumming and every shot, I would bury my cock as deep as I could.
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