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" He asked me if I now felt inferior to him with my small dick compared to his. I truly did and oddly, I liked it that way. Behind closed doors, my friend was a stud! He was a freak on a whole other level! My feet were both in the air, still slung over his shoulders as Jerry said he was going hammer my hole soon. He told me to close my eyes and fantasize that he was that big black guy and I was that younger white guy in the porn video. I briefly looked down to see that enormously fat cock of his fucking me. I was fixated on that. I closed my eyes and started dreaming of being fucked by a huge black cock. Each minute passed and each minute, Jerry's pace increased. Roughly 10 minutes later, Jerry was full on fucking me like a man fucks a woman.You like this dick, don't you bitch? Jerry said he didn't know yet, where he was going to cum. He kept teasing me with options. I'm gonna cum in your mouth and you're going to eat my load. Jerry was getting very verbal and I knew it was a matter. As it rose I sent out multiple eyes to try and find Melody. I searched the apartments, the offices and the conference rooms. It was too many eyes. My stomach flipped. On my hands and knees, retching uncontrollably I finally I found her in the main conference room.By the time the elevator reached it's destination I had finished puking and was back on my feet. I strode through the hall rapidly; reaching the doors to the office I blasted them off their hinges.Gary burst out of his office and I slammed him through the wall back into it; he lay limp and broken over his desk.I headed towards the room Melody was in. A mental eye swept the offices to either side of me looking for any signs of the Telepaths.I saw streaks of fire zipping across my path. I took out the machine gun out with a mental ram carrying all the strength I could muster.The guns were hidden behind the wall. I had no idea where they were until they started firing. Those controlling the guns were watching cameras hidden.
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