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I would look in, and: 'Hey, wait a minute!' I finally realized something: Why was it that every time they had sex, the door was always left open a crack? It had happened too many times (really EVERY TIME) to be a coincidence…finally it dawned on me that the door was left open ON PURPOSE!"Ah, yes! That's it…my question exactly! Now, the plot thickened:"My brain spun out of control when I thought about it: mama WANTED me to watch, and so did Malcolm! Just the thought of it almost knocked me over. I started thinking of some other things too, and my legs got shaky. I had to use the wall to guide me back to my room. As I reached for my swollen clitty, I vowed to have a little talk with my mom in the morning. For now, though, I contented myself with new thoughts about Malcolm: I pictured myself lying helplessly under him, trapped by his great strength, quietly succumbing to his every desire. I quickly brought myself to one of my best orgasms ever!"The next morning at breakfast,. ’ Jasmine looked over her shoulder at Ashley’s face. ‘Don’t be. It was my idea, so I’m ok. How was your night with Joe?’ ‘Incredible is the only word I can say about it right now. But I’m beat. I’ll tell you more tomorrow.’ Jasmine nodded and said, ‘good night, then.’ ‘Good night.’ Ashley pecked Jasmine’s cheek and fell asleep with her arm around her friend’s waist. Later that morning, Jasmine started waking Ashley by planting soft kisses in strategic places on her face. She finally stirred and smiled at Jasmine. ‘Good morning,’ Ashley greeted her. Jasmine returned the smile and said softly, ‘morning, Little Bit. Time to get up. It’s nine already. Jill will be here any time now. She just texted me she’s on her way.’ Ashley sat up to find her legs really sore from lack of sleep and the activities last night. ‘Oh my God, can’t I just join y’all for brunch?’ She flopped back down on the bed, her arms stretched out behind her head. Jasmine leaned over her and kissed her stomach. ‘My, you.
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