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The orange cat inspected everyone and settled for grudging acceptance."What the hell is all this, Helen?" Rummy asked immediately they were settled. Helen handed him Lieber's letter and its attachment. Both he and Doris read it all, examined the photocopy.Doris finished first. She looked up at Helen. "Rummy told me you said your husband had committed suicide. Does this mean he didn't?" I think it does." And what does the lawyer say?" He called this afternoon and said the Kripo — sorry — the criminal police are going to re-open the case." And what's this got to do with Rummy?"Rummy spoke up. "Aside from the fact we're partners, Helen and I, Schellen's project manager asked me if Theo Brechstein was going to be labor consultant on this job. That put the wind up both of us, and now I know why." Okay, what now?" Doris asked."Lieber, my lawyer, said the KP would be sending someone to talk to me. I expect him tomorrow. Right now, we need to figure out what our position is for the next few. " Amy said, "Brady's is a one and done situation, isn't it." "It is. At Brady's everyone is stopping on their way home from work. Nobody has the time to sit around and wait for a guy to get hard again. The sex is quick and uncomplicated. While that's the charm of the place, it also means that there's almost always an underlying sense of time pressure." "Of course." Amy was nodding. "There's another important reason to try to keep a guy from cumming until we're out in his car." I asked, "What's that?" "I don't want to send a guy home to his wife with a mess on the front of his pants." We all laughed. I said, "That would be awkward, wouldn't it." "The second time I went to Brady's I hooked up with a young guy who was wearing a pair of tan slacks. He came while we were making out in the booth. I didn't even have his cock out. I was rubbing it through his trousers. His pants were a mess. It looked like he shot about a quart of cum." "What did you do?" "We went out to his car. He took off.
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