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But then she turned back towards me, looked me in the eye again and quietly said, "You're not finished yet, are you, sweetheart?"This whole turn of events simply took the wind out of my sails - I thought I knew what she meant, but I wasn't going to make an idiot of myself getting it wrong. What was I to say anyway?!! Crazy as it sounds now, I suppose I was still somehow afraid she might accuse me of invading her privacy and peeking at her while she was getting changed in her booth! Oh, the hang-ups and inexperience of youth!So I just stood there, my face still red-hot with my own post-orgasmic glow and my own naked tit very visibly hanging out just inches away from this total stranger, and me embarrassingly aware that my nipple, rather than behaving itself, felt as if it was trying to reach out and touch her! I just stood there, afraid to move, afraid to say anything - silly girl that I was in those days!Without any further ado, the woman just put her bag and other stuff down onto. I asked Susan ta organize a meetin' fer us fer after supper. Maybe then, we could have some answers.After supper, we met in the back yard with all of the women. The cowboys what didn't have no chores gathered around the edges of the meetin, 'cause they was curious what was gonna be decided, an' what was gonna happen ta all of that free nookie.I started off by sayin' that I didn't have no easy answer, I didn't even have a hard answer ta the big problem. I told the women that we all sympathized with their burden, but we didn't know how ta solve it. I said that the best thin' that we could figure on was fer everybody ta listen ta ideas from the women. Maybe, we could pick one of those ideas, once we'd heard them all.That produced a big groan from the women, 'cause they had all hoped, an' some had expected, that I would come in ta save the day with the solution ta their problem. A lot of chatter arose among the women, an' the cowboys even chimed in with a few suggestions.The funny thin'.
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