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" Of course you can," I smiled at Tara, "Anyone fancy another drink?"We sat drinking for a while as Sammy told her friend all about us, how we'd met and even a few bits about my past. When she told her about how I'd carved my initials on Granville's forehead, she nearly choked with laughter."Oh my God," she laughed. "I'd have wet myself if I'd been there."Sammy whispered something to her, and they both burst out in a fit of the giggles."Go on then," I grinned. "Share it."Sammy looked up at me shyly. "I told her that I actually came when you did that Micky." Did you honestly?" Honestly, it was the most violent thing I'd ever seen, for some reason I just climaxed there and then." Bloody hell, I wish you'd have told me right then." Why?" she asked challengingly. "We'd only just met." What about you, Tara?" she turned to her friend. "Have you ever climaxed without actually being touched?"Tara blushed and nodded."You'll think I'm awful." No we won't, go on tell us." It was on a long haul. He pushed all of his cock through the hole and if I didn't know better, I would have swore there were 2 guys in the booth because his cock seemed so much bigger than earlier. I grabbed the base and rubbed his cock all over my face, loving how submissive it made me feel, my moans were getting louder and I am sure he heard me, I was really tempted to open the door to my booth so anyone out there could watch me sucking that dick, but I didn't want to stop and have him take that dick from me. I wish I had a camera though, I am sure I could cum in 30 seconds rubbing my cock and looking at a picture of that dick on my face and in my mouth. Now I had his entire cock through the glory hole and damn, I was loving it, but I knew I needed to make him cum soon, so I really started to bob my head up and down on his cock while he slowly pushed himself into my mouth a little , as my greedy tongue was working over time savoring every inch that dick. All of a sudden, he stopped and I felt the first.
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