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Sunshine and Cloud kept me company and brought me water and food, as I needed it.Sunshine bathed me every day. I enjoyed the evenings, as I held Cloud. After about a week on site, I told my girls that I missed Star, Trey and Swan. And I wanted to go home for a while. They were ready to go home, too.We drove home. I shot a small deer on the way home so we had fresh meat.We got home the next day. Star and Swan both came running out to see me. Swan was beside herself."What is the matter, Swan?" I asked."Husband, I need you very badly," she told me."Are you wanting me more than before, Sweetheart?" I asked her."Yes, Husband," she answered."You too, Star?" I asked."Yes, Husband," she said."Sunshine, will you watch Trey for a little while?" I asked her."Yes, my sweet family, I will watch our babies," she answered.Star and Swan dragged me into the house and stripped me before we were in the door good. We made wild love for about 40 minutes. Then I had to rest.Swan said, "Husband you may not. He gently squeezed one then the other and ran his thumb over her nipples, feeling their excited hardness. Her body was beautiful, better even than he’d imagined. Her skin was so smooth and soft, her belly flat and hard. He could see the pale skin of her breasts highlighted against the tan skin of the rest of her. He began kissing her again while he stroked her bare skin. She was breathing fast, her body arching up to meet his touch as the dragged his fingertips lightly up and down her body. Her hips began rising rhythmically off the bed, straining to meet his fingers on the descent but he kept stopping just short. Unable to wait any longer she grabbed his hand with hers and forced it down where she wanted it. He took her cue, sliding his fingers all the way down. She was so wet his fingers glided easily against her. She was moaning urgently as he caressed her, hips still rising off the bed on his down stroke. When he slipped two fingers.
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