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"Damn," he said. "No, I don't need any help, but, boy, you are the first student in 22 years to offer to lift a finger to help me. I think maybe you the only kid in this whole school got his head screwed on right."We shook hands and parted. That night at about 8 p.m. I hoofed it down back to school, and -- looking both ways like the good junior burglar I'd become -- let myself into the gym. When I flicked on the lights I was stunned to see somebody else there: a wiry sophomore girl named Joanne who was just lacing on her shoes when my eyes fell on her."What are you doing here?" she asked defensively.'What are YOU doing here?" I replied. "How did you get in?" Coaches leave the doors unlocked a lot. I sneak in all the time," she said, standing there with a ball at her hip. She was about 5-foot, 4-inches tall, wearing a sloppy gray sweatshirt and baggy red shorts. Her brown hair was a little bit on the frizzy side, and her face was freckled. No makeup or lipstick, not much fashion sense. Magenta it is then," she replied. I assumedshe had been taking something and put it to the back of my mind. At thisstage I had only seen the film once and couldn't remember the charactersnames that well. It had been raining heavily out and I was pleased to beindoors and didn't mind if she had a few strange ideas from time to time.She said we were going to a fancy dress screening of her favourite filmand she had a costume for me in her sports bag if I felt like gettinginto the spirit of things. She refused to tell me what we were going tosee and said I would see when we got there. First we went drinking. Just as we got to the cinema a bus drove bysoaking me and getting Janet slightly as well. I was furious but Janetjust smiled and gave me a small rucksack from inside her sports bag, acinema ticket and told me not to worry about the bus but to "Go and getdressed Magenta". "Stop calling me that," I said."Ok Magenta," she replied. On going into the gents I noticed a lot of French maids.
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