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It was getting easier by the day to tell them apart now even at just a glance. Dawn was still smoldering with rage and her eyes got a little squinchy every time she looked at me. Diana, on the other hand, now seemed to have a more quizzical but favorable look, as if my new assertive attitude towards life suddenly now interested her.I smiled at my faux wife and grabbed and kissed her hard."We should take advantage of the house being empty!" I muttered as I unzipped the back of her dress causing it to fall to the kitchen floor. She muttered a brief cry of protest but my tongue cut her off and her bra soon joined her dress on the floor. Clad now only in thong panties, I gently but firmly pushed my sister-in-law to her knees on the floor and without orders she knew exactly what to do.Looking into my eyes with interest and more than a little lust, she unzipped my cock and took it into her mouth and began to abjectly worship it with her tongue, slowly sucking upon it and taking it ever. I didnt spoon her too close at first. I waited for my erection to go down until i held her closer. As we watched the movie, i inched closer to her, and eventually i felt her ass against my penis and my dick got hard, fast. I was so nervous as i refused to pull back and let my cock reposition itself against her butt as it grew. She stayed silent. 15 minutes passed, and she decided that she was getting too warm and asked if i would mind her taking off her pants, "I have a thong on, though....We spent 9 months naked in the womb together, you'll be fine." She layed back down and backed into a spooning position and i felt the strongest rush of sexual desire i had ever experienced before then. Enough to ask her, "You're not weirded out with my boner?" ...She giggled and said words that i never expected, " It's so weird how it goes from soft to hard. Can i touch it?"Now, you can leave this story now and say, "this is fake. onto something else"And my response is that i do not care. We've.
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