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‘It can’t be,’ Julie thought to herself.Sara’s eyes glared at Julie and she started to circle her. Julie moved with the wolf, always keeping herself aligned with it waiting for the attack.Sara snarled and snapped at the same moment she leaped at Julie.Julie put her arms up to protect her face and was already moving out of the path of Sara’s attack when out from the brush jumped Brad. His big black figured flashed across Julie’s sight as he hit Sara in the side and sent her tumbling away from Julie with a loud yelp.‘You crossed the line, Sara,’ Brad said as he glared at her.Sara scrambled up and shot back at Brad, ‘She’s not good enough for you!’‘That’s for me to decide,’ he said with a loud growl.‘I’m what you need, not her,’ Sara snapped back.‘You,’ Brad questioned, and then said, ‘You could never be her!’Sara snarled at him and lunged at him. Brad quickly averted her attack and shook his head slowly. ‘Go, Sara,’ he said.Sara stopped in her tracks and looked at him, ‘Go?’‘You’re. We all needed to work on all aspects of the game. It wasn't enough to be good in just one position. The grade 13 seniors hadn't played one minute of the first set, which boded well for next year's team, but when the second set started, she started the line up with all the senior girls. I was glad for the break.It was funny seeing the front three turn their backs to the net to look back at our serving line especially when we weren't serving! But just as we had practiced for so long, when the ball came over Annette's head, Mandy was there to lift it and Annette spun and nailed it. Another starting point in under five seconds! I had seen the photographers clicking off when our front line faced the back of the court, and I was sure that one of them would have a before and after picture of Annette driving that nail into Saunders's coffin. Our team had developed to the point that we almost read each others' thoughts on the court and I somehow knew that no matter when we graduated, we would.
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