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For her, underpants were something you wear but neverlook at, let alone allow anybody else to see you in. My solution to this dilemma was to take off all my clothes as soon as I arrivedat Charlotte's place. She was very pleased to see that I surrendered myselfso willingly to her and I was happy to escape her jokes. It took me some timeto realise that there was more to it than that. With my clothes I left behindSainte Jacqueline, the boring, well-behaved prude, which did not have muchfun in her life and turned into Jacqueline the wanton slut, or Slut-lin' asI sometimes called this part of my personality, out to enjoy herself even ifit meant having to roast in hell for the rest of eternity. One afternoon, when I arrived at Charlotte's apartment – she had givenme a key so that I could let myself in – I heard her shout, "I'min the kitchen." I undressed as usual and went to meet her. When I got to the kitchen, I sawa plumber who was bending over the washing machine. He lifted his head. I continued all the way down the back of her legs and then came back up and rubbed my soapy hands into her butt crack. Dottie jumped at this and took in a large breath in fright.“Easy, Sweetie,” I told her, “ I’m not going to hurt you. I only want to help you get cleaned up. OK?”“All right, Tim,” she answered, with her still ragged breathing. I had finished with her butt by then but would have loved to continue.“Go ahead and rinse off,” I told her. She closed the door and got back under the water. She was soon done and turned off the water.When Dottie came out of the shower, her hair was all wet and drooped down around her face and head. She was still crying and her breathing was still ragged.“Are you going to be all right, Sweetie?” I asked, concerned.“I am just so sore, everywhere,” she moaned. “Help me dry off, please.”I took a towel and started at her hair and face. Then I moved to her arms and back. I massaged her arms some more also. Dottie’s breathing was a little easier now..
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