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I told him that I didn't think she'd ever really make that giant step however, even drunk..because then she'd just get sick and ruin everything....and as the conversation rolled around a little bit, he asked me if I had ever heard of 'roofies'....and I lied and said "No" and he described how they were colorless, tasteless and most effective in allowing things to happen that a recipient wouldn't resist and also wouldn't remember..at all. After we discussed these, me being 'surprised and amazed' at this wonder dust......I asked how to manage to get my wife to try this magic potion....she certainly wouldn't just take a pill if I suggested it. He said: "No, mon....she would take it in a drink we made up called the Black Island Cherry, and she would never know it...in fact after a little while, she'd never know anything at all until the next day. Then no hangover, no memories of the night before, and no regrets, but all the fun you want to have with her."I asked him about the drink name,. Occasionally she would bend over in front of them in tight jeans or a short skirt, or wink at them. This was all the encouragement her teachers needed to want to help Jenny in any way they could.Another fact contributed to Jenny's dulled eyes: she was drunk. Quite drunk, truth be told. As she stood over the pool table, leaning for support, she would occasionally dance around a bit, causing her massive mammaries to sway and her butt to jiggle. She would also smile and giggle at everything and anything, showing off the smile of an inebriated girl who was so ripe with bursting sexuality, that it could not be contained.It was almost closing time at the bar. An odour of smoke and stale liquor pervaded the air, like an obstinate patron refusing to leave. However, there was another odour in the air. This one was a musky scent, the scent of a fertile young woman surrounded by oversexed men.The swirling scent of hormones in the room was caused by the fact that Jenny was now the only woman.
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