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B. Hutto was warming up. ‘What the hell is that?’ I asked him. I’d expected some cheap watch or something. ‘It’s a love charm, man. An honest-to-God mojo, just like in the songs.’ he said, enjoying my surprise. ‘Put all the women at your command. It’s the real thing, man.’ ‘What are you talking about?’ He held the box up for me to see, and I realized that it was a little tiny frog. Dead. Mummified, from the looks of it, all dried out. It was in an odd position, frozen like it had been climbing a ladder. ‘What the hell?’ ‘It’s a mojo, man,’ he said. ‘A love charm. Get you any girl you want, you know?’ I looked at his face to see if he was putting me on, but it was hard to tell. He always had this over-eager look, a hustler’s grin. ‘What the hell do I want with that? It’s a fucking dead frog!’ ‘It’s a mojo, asshole!’ he said, covering the box up. ‘I’m offering it to you. Just fifty bucks. Get you any pussy you want, for real! You know how much these things are worth? I mean, this thing. Michael lay in bed, visions of Mandy running through his head. He heard goodbyes, kisses, and the front door closed as Mandy, Tony and Sarah's new boyfriend, Andy, left. She climbed the stairs, looked in on Micheal, who had his back to the door, then she went to bed.Michael woke to the sound of the front door being closed clumsily, followed by his dad and step-mum trying to climb the stairs without being heard. They failed; seeming to find every creaking step and floorboard as they crept into their room and erupted in fits of giggles. His step-mother's giggles turned to moans, then to screams as the bed springs squeaked to a crescendo and ended with a deep, satisfied sigh. Michael's thoughts turned back to Mandy as a softer sound drifted through the thin walls; Sarah was trying to be quiet as she worked herself to her own climax. Michael erupted without even touching himself, the friction of his sheets was enough to make him explode. In minutes, the four of them were sound asleep.The.
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