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I don't think I meant for it to happen or maybe I did. I don't know.The other afternoon we bumped into each other at the deli counter in the local super market. It was quite busy that day so the 'Take A Number' system was in effect. We certainly couldn't just stand there waiting for our number to be called without speaking so I strolled over to her and said a quiet hello.She had just put in her request for a quarter pound of boiled ham when she heard me.We chatted, albeit uncomfortably, about nothing in particular, and after a few minutes, her order was ready and she excused herself to get it from the deli man, after which she turned to me, gave me a nervous smile and walked away.Later, as I emptied my cart at the check-out counter, I picked up an item from the deli, a quarter pound of boiled ham, that I knew I hadn't ordered. I was about to announce the fact to the checker when I realized it was an item that I recalled Marilyn ordering. 'Oh my, ' I thought, 'she was so flustered at. My sis was wearing a skirt and t-shirts as usual. I don’t know why she likes wearing skirts and she just took a bath and was looking fresh. My mom and aunt decided to make soup for us to make this rainy weather more interesting. My sis wanted to go too (She usually tries ignores alone situation with me after that incident) as my mom didn’t want her to join them.So now here I was with my sis alone for the first time after that incident. She was looking reluctant and trying to pretend that nothing happened between us. I decided to go close to her and decided to have a conversation with her to make her comfortable. We talked about studies, relationships, and friends.I knew she was comfortable now. Then I thought it was time to get some few points. I got really close to her laying my hands on her shoulder as we were sitting side by side. I started caressing her hair I could smell the shampoo on her making me wanna kiss her neck. As I moved my mouth close to her ears and Whispered: “we.
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