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It seemed like their whole life was one orgasm after another this afternoon. After one breast gave up its gift, they offered the other to their guests. They all lay together on the bed and the visitors sucked up the lactation as grateful guests. By now the sun had moved closer to the Sierra Nevada mountains across the valley. If they wanted to get going by dark they needed to extract themselves from this new cabin of cum. Carla put on her skirt and Bruce pulled on his jeans. The kissed and thanked the hosts again and said they would be sure to return soon. The valley had been a great adventure on the way home from the whoring up in Virginia City. The got in the car and pulled away slowly onto the bumpy dirt road. The cowgirls followed them to the gate on horseback naked and waved farewell. I never expected so many new experiences were possible in such a short time. The milk alone was a new exciting taste to enjoy and those girls clearly felt aroused by giving them their gift. Carla. Moaning into each others mouths. I almost came the exact moment he slipped a finger inside me. He pulled it out and slowly ran it back up to my clit, circling around it. Down it went again, he slipped it inside, this time going deeper. I softly cried out. He was driving me crazy and he knew it. He slowly stroked his finger in and out a few times. Again, he withdrew and slipped it in circles around my clit, making me jump. When his finger went down again, it was joined by another. Two fingers slipped inside me this time. I kissed him harder and moaned louder. He started stroking them in and out of me, I came for the first time. My back arched, my legs pressed together and I cried out as I felt the pleasure rip through me. We kissed each other harder between my moans. I slid my hand down to his shorts. Pulling the button apart. I wanted to feel him. Feel how hard he was. After pulling his zipper apart I slipped my hand inside. I felt the heat coming from him. My fingers touched him. I.
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