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I rubbed my 36D breasts with the bottle and sucked on my nipples, and as I got more and more excited I placed the bottom end of the bottle at my pussy opening, and slowly pushed it inside. I slowly worked it all the way in, and than started to slowly pump the bottle in and out – the whole time I was making the most obscene noises – and as I was doing this, my guys were jacking themselves off. I was pumping the bottle in and out, and pretty much going nuts fucking this large piece of plastic. After I had my first organism. I pulled the bottle all the way out and slid it down, and ever so slowly eased it into my ass hole. As it slid in, I was going crazy, and was moaning, and screaming and talking to the guys. I felt some cum hit my face about this time, as the guys couldn’t handle it anymore and started to cum. As I got the bottle all the way buried into my ass hole, I felt more cum landing on my face and breasts. I used my fingers of my free hand to scup up the cum and drink. I can understand the feeling," Ivy sounding sad and understanding."I sometimes wished they got back together again but they both have their own lives and I can practically do what I want," Charles trying not to sound sad."So what made you come here to Constantinople's Lot?" she asked him.This was the question Charles wasn't sure how to respond to. Even now he knew how attracted he was to Ivy and if she had lived in this town for years, then he would have known her since childhood too. The problem was he didn't recognize Ivy at any time before yesterday."Well it was my mom's decision. She just like small towns. More peaceful and more safer than the big cities," Charles making up his own answer."So you're from one of the big cities. Cool," Ivy smiled with excitement."Yes I am. I'm from Manchester," Charles said."I have never been to the big cities. I mean I have learned and read about them on the news and the internet but never been there," Ivy confessed."Have you ever been out of.
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