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“So what now?” I asked. “If we can keep this little mistake between the two of us I’ll just wait until I settle down a bit and be on my way.”She said, “It doesn’t look like that cock of yours is going to settle down anytime soon so you might as well finish what you started.”“Are you sure?” I asked.She said, “I should probably have my head examined but yes, go ahead and jack off.”I kicked my suit off so I was totally naked then started to slowly move my hand up and down the length of my cock while looking at Sue. She’s in her late 40’s with shoulder length sandy blonde hair, a nice pair of tits and a nice round ass which increased the excitement of having her watch me jack off.She took a quick look behind her to make sure her husband wasn’t around and made her way over the hill to get a closer look. She sat down on the hill and said, “I can’t believe I’m doing this but I haven’t seen a cock that big in a long time.”Feeling a little more bold I said, “I can’t believe this is. He was appalled that one of the county's prosecutors had been accused of taking money to circumvent justice. The prosecutor had denied the charge, of course, but the presiding judge tended to believe the magistrate on the matter. After all, there were a lot of things that didn't make sense in the case, ranging from the abrupt change in the arraignment time to the fact the prosecutor had refused to accept calls from his office prior to the hearing.It was enough that the elected official in charge of the department had suspended the man pending an investigation. Bruce Mayfield and Jonathan Mayfield's attorney, Emil Green, were also under investigation. Still, Green was representing the younger Mayfield on the extradition matter.Ed Strelzcyzk and Mike Mitchell picked them up; despite the fact that Allyson had told them she could rent a car."We want Mayfield out of the state as quickly as we can get it," Mitchell replied with a smile. "As soon as the judge signs the extradition warrant,.
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