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They hadn't heard us come in, and wouldn't have noticed us at all had Edith not started screaming in horror. I turned to run back to my car, stopping before I got there to vomit in some bushes. Edith helped me back to my feet and to my car and ended up crashing on the couch at my apartment. She returned to her apartment the next day to pack up and move out. She was living with Jason by the end of the week. Last I heard they were happily married."Janice kissed my cheek as I fought back tears at the memory of what I had seen. "Did you ever talk to Carolyn about it?" None of our group did," I replied. "Carolyn spent the next few days trying to call us, until an itching in her cunt sent her to the university medical center where it was discovered she had contracted syphilis. She was treated for the disease and then she vanished from our lives. I heard later that her parents were so upset that they stopped paying her tuition and she was forced to withdraw from school." My god," Brooke. "I removed my hand. "Not so fast, I have plans for your sweet cum."Eddie and Kathy weren't listening to Brad and me as we teased one another. I moved away from Brad's arms, took his hand and led him toward the steps."We'll be back in a few minutes," I said.Eddie and Kathy looked at us and started to laugh."Where are you going?" Kathy said and then she giggled and winked."I'm going to make my guy happy!" Don't take too long, we want to start testing our new kite pretty soon," Eddie said. "I'm going to stop and pick up some bait before we go out."Brad and I went into the cabin and I pulled him to the settee. I sat down, pulled his sweatpants and underwear down to his knees and patted the cushion next to me. When he sat down, I pulled my legs up on the settee and began fondling his cock.When Brad started to rub my boobs, I removed my top and bra. I leaned over, licked the head of his cock and then moved my tongue to the shaft. His hand tightened on my boob as I took him into my mouth..
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