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Sara’s mum looked at her said ” why are you not at school” Sara looked snarled back ” could not be bothered” Sara’s mum looked at her Sara added ” what’s that cunt doing here” her mum told her ” Steve helped me with the shopping so watch your mouth your only a 12 year old girl you should be at school so get going” Sara looked said ” fuck off I’m not going” her mum took her coat off saying” that’s it I have had enough of your mouth and bullying your for it” Sara looked retorted ” yeah fuck off” got up and walked towards the door, her mum grabbed her by her ponytail pulled back to the table and dragged her over it then told Steve to hold her, Steve did not hesitate and was soon holding Sara down by the shoulders, Sara struggled but was held down to tightly, she screamed out ” fuck off let me go get off” Sara felt the clasp on the back of her skirt being undone followed by her zip and her skirt being pulled down then to her horror her panties being pulled down and a sharp slap to her. If you can call lounge pants and a short t-shirt dressing. Excusing myself later that night with the excuse of homework to cover my need to read on through my epic novel I locked my bedroom door quietly, switched the pc on so he’d hear its low hum and whirr, listened for his steps and stripped bare.Instantly as soon as the warm night’s air hit my skin I felt embraced. A thousand hands caressed every nick and crevice on my body and a thousand more lips kissed me from head to toe as I stood in front of my still open window. I welcomed this feeling of abandonment with silence and stillness, allowing nature to do its work before I’d start my own. I loved this, so much so that I often doubted I’d ever get a lover with as much skill. Another reason to keep my thing personal. Perhaps sharing it may ruin it.Softly in the background I heard the computer ding announcing I had mail. Turning to tend to it, assuming it was junk mail as that was all I ever got, I was surprised to see it was.
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