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She then took the skirt, and slipped into it. She then moved towards the mirror and was admiring herself… She was just amazingly sexy in that short skirt just running onto her upper thighs. I was wondering why is she wasting time in front of the mirror. I had decided to move in now… She then grabbed the tank top and pulled it over her. Wow! you should really see to feel the experience. It was a stretchy material and it just clinged to her body like a tight skin or body socks.I had no patience or reason to stand there…. In my head, I had a timer running which said another 20mins…. I was about to enter by then Radika took her mobile, I thought she was going to call me. But, instead she held it to the mirror and took a selfie of her in that sexy dress. I was amazed and my dick was just about to tear my shorts off. Then she looked into her mobile and kept aside… I was about to enter and then got a message and guess what, it’s the same pic what Radika had taken… I felt so nice about it….. ..The next day in the afternoon she called me to her and announced that it was SpanksGivingDay! This was going to be a new holiday for me and one that I would not forget for the rest of the year! On this day she said I would get a spanking one that would last me for the rest of the year she said that if it did not last and I was bad she would give me another with the paddle she went to a drawer and got out this wicked looking paddle that had big holes drilled into it she explained that the holes caused even greater pain when it hit you and that I would not want to be spanked with the paddle! She told me to take off my pants and to come get over her knees she sat in a big high backed chair like an evil queen at first I hesitated but then she reminded me of the paddle and I pulled down my pants and red faced got across her knees there was a large mirror right across from me and I was able to watch myself being spanked I know she planned it that way and it was why she chose to put the.
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