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Olga pulled her gaze away from the picture and refocused on the task at hand. Standing up, she stepped to the small mirror that hung on the wall and checked her hair and makeup. The garish blue eye shadow was wildly out of fashion, but Olga was not one to throw away perfectly usable cosmetics. Satisfied, Olga stepped to the small bedroom. The lights burned brightly, warming the small, cold apartment. She sat on the edge of the bed and peeled off her threadbare robe. The young man couldn’t have been 19 years old. His features were classically Slavic—the deep, sunken eyes, the large head, the narrow, pointed chin. He was wiry and hairless other than a badly cropped head of straight blond hair. He was also waffling between uncomfortable and excited. The familiar voice of Sergei the photographer clattered noisily behind the bright lights, but Olga didn’t need to hear the specifics. She knew the routine. First she sat next to the lad, looking sexy but demure while the awkward boy stared. After two cups of coffee and several looks of sympathy from her, I was ready to pop the question.“Cheryl, right now my marriage is hanging by a thread. I doubt very much we’re going to survive this but in any event, I’m not going to sit at home twiddling my thumbs. I told her I would not stay celibate for the next three months while she made whoopee with other men.”I saw Cheryl’s eyes squint and knew she was anticipating what I was going to say next. I figured the worst she could do was throw me out and I was too far into my proposition to back out.“Cheryl, I know nothing about your personal life but I’m looking for a friend with benefits.” I saw her back straighten. I figured I was about to get tossed out on my ear. “Please don’t take offense and if there’s a guy out there who’s about to kick my butt, I give you my apologies ... but if not, I do wish you’d think it over before hitting me over the head with a frying pan.”That got a laugh out her anyway. Without saying a word, she got.
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