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.so no way i can have sex with her… sometimes we have sex chat in phone. After while i got busy with my onsite works and lost touch with her for 8 months.Months past and my wife got pregnant and left to India. My sexual thoughts also changed in adventures like Wife swapping, making the girls around me as exhibitionist by revealing their parts, flashing to other and teasing them,, and also threesome or group sex. But my wife is very traditional and she never have any 1% though of what i am wishing. And also i am a Pure South Indian mentality guy, “my wife should be only for me and homely to others eyes”. Also thought of hiring some escorts as i m alone in a full rented house. Rents in singapore are very high and just for me a whole house is wasting money, so i thought to vacate this house and go to some single room which are very cheap.By this time i got a call from Anjali.. She had a story to tell. she said they moved to vellore and started a business successfully. She left her job. My legs, which had been straining against his hands to close, fell open of their own accord. Realizing this, my Dad sent his hands sliding slowly up my sweaty, sensitive inner thighs, over my flat tummy, taking hold of my young tits...I moaned and shut my eyes, because he was looking up at me, watching my face, and I didn't want to think about who was making me feel this way. Oh, but his thick strong tongue was expertly sliding over my clit, turning it back and forth, sliding around in circles, and I gasped and clutched at the pink sheets my mother'd bought me only the previous weekend. I started getting...I didn't know...hotter all over....something so amazing was building up inside me, making my nipples hurt and want to be touched...then his tongue stopped and I cried out in protest, opening glazed blue eyes to look at him.He ran a finger lightly and quickly back and forth over my clit, enough to keep the feeling going so I couldn't come to my senses...he slid up my body and.
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