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”He scooted round the table to get the best view of her leaning on the counter. At five-feet-two-inches, she was standing on her tiptoes to peer into the fridges behind the bar. Jason came up behind her, his hand on her waist as he brushed past. Ethan’s face clouded. He was happy with the easy banter they’d fallen into after working together for so long but watching her now with Jason hit him unexpectedly, like a metal bar to the throat. Plus she wasn’t exactly telling Jason to fuck off. Jason leaned in to say something to her and she threw her head back laughing before turning to come back to the table.“The usual,” she plonked Ethan’s drink in front of him and sat down before grabbing the menu. “I’m starving.”“Me too,” Jason sat next to her closely to share the same menu. Ethan rolled his eyes.“Here,” Maisie fished out another menu and handed it to Jason, “there you go.”Ethan faked a choke on his water to hide his laughter. Her eyes flashed up at him with a smirk. Maybe she was. .. was the guy. Kathy wondered if it was the same one her mother had been mooning over for the last couple weeks."Yeah, right there! Yeah, lick it there!"'Oh, God, ' Kathy thought, 'my mother's a slut.'"Ohhh, God, don't stop baby, don't stop!" Rosa wailed as Dutch slammed into her.They were still engrossed in their marathon fuck when Kathy left the house and headed for school.At sixteen Kathy was already well on her way into womanhood. Her breasts were almost fully developed and while she would add to their fullness over the next several years, she was already a full-sized 34 C. Kathy had been gifted with a pair a great looking legs; a woman's full ass and fair skin like her grandmothers. The blonde hair flowing down across her shoulders was a bequest from her father's genes.Her first period occurred during her thirteenth year, shortly after that her breasts began to develop and the boys grew interested in her. Her mother had warned her about them and prepared her for their groping.
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