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I raced out of the living room, tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt the cum leaking out of my pussy. I darted up the stairs, my bare feet slapping on the carpeted runner. I reached the second floor and darted to my bedroom. I burst into my bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I threw myself on my bed, burying my face beneath my pillows.Tears spilled from my eyes. She wasn't supposed to catch us. She was supposed to be gardening so I could enjoy Daddy. It had been so fun being with Daddy. I loved him so much. The night before, when our blowjob lesson went too far and Daddy took my virginity, I discovered that I wanted him.I couldn't give him up.Now it was ruined.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MikeI swallowed and stood up to face my wife, my cock soaked in our daughter's pussy juices. The incestuous cream soaked my cock. My chest felt so tight as I faced my wife, her arms crossed beneath her breasts, her tank top clinging to them. The night before, I had given our daughter, Kat, a. Lilith pressed her finger to his lips, “Shush Xavier, shush!” Her touch delivered a deep sense of fear and his body began to shake uncontrollably. Try as he might, he could not move his legs and no words would form in his mind. “That’s better,” stated Lilith primly. “Xavier, do you know who we are?” His eyes were wild as he shook his head hurriedly. “We are Succubae. We steal souls and last night I stole yours. Be still and you can feel the emptiness inside you.” He could feel a considerable void inside him and it was filling with a malevolent terror. “I suppose you are wondering where you are? This is a place where very bad things happen. This is a place for people who don’t deserve a swift death at our hands.” It was Leigh’s turn, “We select only a special few for this place, people with a capacity for limitless evil. We feed from their emotions until they are mere empty husks; it takes a lot of energy to look this good.” They both giggled as they posed and batted their eyelashes.
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