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"And some will be suspicious of your motives at first." He pointed to the scroll. "This was seen at first as a means of planting Empiricists into positions of potential power, which is why they were reluctant to judge on merit. And which is why your decision not to declare Mastership by fiat was correct." Right now, my main concern is the threat to Oceanus." And that is in the back of the mind of every Mage Elder. You have the crisis working for you. Keep showing your support for them, and your willingness to listen to them, and you will make this position yours."Uroddus thought it faintly ironic. It was high praise for something that he had not wanted in the first place. Now that he had it, however, there was a glimmer of hope that he could help mold the Guild into what he felt it should be. He could not consider stepping aside.His youth was not lost on him. Mages could potentially live over one hundred years. Uroddus could hold this position for a very long time. Would it be. She: Why didn’t you tell me that before and who are they?Me: I’m sorry. I can’t tell you about them and also I don’t want to coz I can’t reveal their identity. You might also be on that list one day. Would you like me telling someone that I’ve slept with you?She: HELL NO!Me: Yeah the same way, they don’t want me telling about them to someone. So maybe you can trust me now.She: Alright, that’s a sign of honesty. But we will see.Me: Okay. I gotta go. See you.She: Okay. Take care.And that’s how that day went by. We didn’t really talked over phone. So one day while I was at work she called me up at midnight saying she wanted to talk to me over phone as her sister wasn’t there in her room. She left for Bangalore for some work. She and her sister (elder) sleep together every day.Since she was out of station she called and spoke to me. We didn’t talk much but the call went for half an hour. On the phone, I asked her if she was ready to have sex with me. She didn’t readily agree. After a few.
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