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I took pictures of her breasts from the sides and the top and bottom getting a nice view of a lot of cleavage with only the small white top covering her nipples and a small amount of her breasts. Then I moved to taking pictures of her bottoms not much was visible but as I almost gave up she let out a yawn and stretched and parted her legs a little more. I zoomed the camera in between her legs and you could barely see the outline of her crevice and just above that you could see her dark patch of pubes through the thin white bikini bottom, I took as many pictures as I could. I quickly put the camera in my pocket as I noticed her uncovering her face. She asked "Oh did you need something?". I quickly thought and replied "Yeah I was just going to tell you I'm going to run to the store and get something and wanted to know if you needed anything?". She smiled and got off her float and got back on it on her stomach as you was saying "no thanks I don't need anything". She was facing away. “Alright, stop making out you two. We need to get dressed to go out.”“Where are we going?” Marcus had no idea what their original plans were before Rita dropped them off.“We’re going to the mall,” Amanda informed him. “You’re gonna buy us anything we want.” She held up Krissy’s phone and showed him all the photos they had taken by swiping the screen.Marcus doubted they had willingly let their father have sex with them just so they could blackmail him, but pretending to agree seemed like the least he could do after what they had done for him.“Why don’t you buy some lingerie?” Amanda suggested to her sister. “You’re going to be sleeping with Dad tonight, right?”As there was only one guest bedroom, the two of them usually shared a bed when they came over, or one of them slept on the couch. When they were younger they used to fight over who would share the king sized bed with their father. Krissy usually won because she was smaller and took up less space. Krissy blushed as she looked at.
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