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The Man standing there says Mrs. Dawn Brown she says yes, the person at the door says you are here-by served. Dawn is given a heavy box and the man leaves. Dawn puts the box down turns white realizes it’s the same Harry had sent to her with all the details of her afair. Dawn opens the box and takes out the letter from Danny.DawnI gave you my all for thirty years, and as I have discovered the entire period you were in love and bed with another man. Actually, you were more married to him than me. In this box is Harry’s diary of your Love Afair and emails between he and you for that period. My lawyers forensic accounts have gone over all the evidence and it clearly shows over the period of your afair you two spent an average of sixteen hours a day together, you and I eight hours a day maybe, you and he had sex an average four times a day and we had sex an average of four times a month because you were always too tird from being with Harry, of course I didn’t know that at the time. Every. "Wait a second." She came back carrying an armful of clean rags. "Put these down so you don't get blood all over the bathroom."I noticed Dad escaping into the garage as I escaped into the small bathroom. I put down the rags and took off my clothing. I doubted if any of it was salvageable, even as play clothes. I climbed into the shower and started cleaning out my scrapes. Given the speed I had been going when I wiped out, the scrapes weren't that deep. I assumed I had the protection spell to thank for that.I was indeed bruised all over as well as scraped. The soap stung. Ursus encourage me to scrub well and get out all of the grit. The water had a red tinge as it swirled down the drain.Using a rag that happened to be an old towel, I dried off and dug the first-aid supplies out from under the sink. Given that the family had five kids, we had lots of patching material. I put antibiotic salve over everything that bled, and then bandaged myself up, using gauze for the bigger wounds.I.
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