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But the kissed continued for a few precious moments more. "I really need to go to the bathroom," she said, "I'll be right back, I promise." Want me to come along and help," I said with a smile. "Yes. But I'll go by myself." Waiting for a girl to come back from the bathroom sucks. Especially when you don't know when she'll come back or even if she'll be interested later. She came back and put her hands on my chest, "John, my friend wants to go... she's pretty drunk and when she gets drunk she gets really sleepy. Here's my number. Please call me tomorrow, she said, running her hand down my body, pausing at my crotch, and then moving to my hands. I walked her outside, holding her hands, and gave her a peck on the cheek. Gosh, I can be such a gentleman.Well, maybe I had something for next week. But I was empty handed tonight. I sighed and went to the bar, thinking of Kathy's arched body in my arms. I can't wait to unwrap her, I thought. I saddled up to the bar and ordered a Tsingtao.. I also put a bottle of KY jelly inside. I hope he uses it. The whip, crop and cane are lying besides the box. I need to take a bath and get ready. Dear Diary: Where has the day gone? It is almost five. I took a nicewarm bath, and shaved all my hair down there. It was funny seeing me in themirror trying to shave all my hair around my asshole. I am so nervous now. I amas smooth as a baby down there. I also gave myself an enema. It is funny; I canget the enema nozzle in there, but other than that, not even a finger. I alsodid my hair, and make-up. I look gorgeous. I barely have time to write theletter and get myself ready in the music room. ??????????????????????????????????????????????? *????????? *????????? *????????? * I am ready. I place the letter, written with purple ink, on crimsonpaper on the bedroom door. It reads: ?Dear George: I very much want to be the woman you want me to be, in allrespects. I am sorry that I cannot, willingly, give you what you want. I guessthe nuns.
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