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I fixed my blonde hairs up do to make sure the strands were still in place and began to rummage through my purse to reapply my pink lip-gloss. The door to the restroom opened and it was Dani. Have you ever just looked at someone and wondered what they would be like in bed? How they would feel? How they would taste? What the hell? I’m fantasizing about another woman! A woman who has been extremely nice to me tonight. Still…a woman! But a sexy woman. ‘You know Kelly, when I said sex could be so much more, I meant it. You just have to think outside the box a little.’ She moved towards me, staring at me and biting her lower lip. Her hand reached for mine on the marble sink and her fingers ran carelessly up my hand to my arm. She stepped closer, gazing up at me. I froze. I didn’t know what to do. I never thought I would be in this situation, but I was. And I couldn’t deny how much I was attracted to Dani. As soon as I admitted that to myself, I knew I wanted her. I wanted every part. I crawled onto the bed and I made sure that my breasts were very close to his head so he could see how I was already aroused. My nipples were pushing their way through this worn ribbed tank top. He could see that I was a bit horny; he could always tell when I am in the mood. My eyes change to a greenish color and the look of a sexy kitten. I got close and kissed him on each eyelid, then each cheek until I finally made it to his lips. I licked the outside of his lips and slowly inserted my tongue in his mouth. He did respond and kissed me back passionately just the way I like it, slow, passionate and intense. We slowly pulled away from each other and I could see in his eyes he liked the kiss very much. I asked if he was ready to give me a massage and he said in a minute he just wanted to cuddle a bit before and hold me. We lay on the bed intertwined and giving each other little kisses on our lips then working our way to each other’s chests. He started to rub his hand over my breast,.
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