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Her mouth is around my cock, slowly sucking and nibbling to her heart's content. She's really good at it. Better than I ever knew in our twenty-two years together. The woman is my wife.There have been lots of changes lately. I wasn't sure when it started. No, I do know - I just didn't know it at the time. The real changes started at least a year ago. I don't know how I missed it, but I did. I started noticing things when my sex life picked up six months ago, but didn't examine it too closely. I was too busy reveling in my good fortune to question its origins.Of course, I didn't select her for her sexual prowess. She didn't choose me for that either. Believe it or not, we were both virgins when we met in college and our sex life was never what you'd call imaginative. The first time I saw her, I was attracted to her: a cute pert nose, long straight red hair, and long legs that went all the way up to her ass. She was wearing a pink tennis skirt which showed them off, and a white. Her mom who was sitting on the back seat could not hold longer and laughed and said,” u two are happy or sad.I can’t think u can crack jokes to make other happy at this situation”. Nikki smiled but still with eyes full of tears. I knew her heart was bursting with pain. As usual Indian railways train was 20 mins late but this time I thank them coz Nikki can me with me for this extra 20 mins. She still had her arms wrapped around mine. But then I got a call that one of my friend met with an accident and I had to reach hospital. Nikki’s train was still 10 mins late. I explained her everything. She became very sad. Her mom was there to stay to say her bye. I had to leave her there.Tears came down her cheek. I wiped her tears but within seconds her eyes again got filled. I said I will call u every time.. I left her. When I reached at the parking. She came running and hugged me tightly. She said,” I don’t want to go”. I caught her chin she kissed me suddenly. We kissed for almost 2 mins.
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