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YO was squirming as Brandy sucked her and slurped her tongue around her small brown nipple. Jacqi was in on the act in an instant and pulled her other breast to her mouth to take that nipple and torture it.YO was holding one hand over her brown pussy lips, and fingering herself frantically as she had a body wrenching orgasm.Brandy let Jacqi have both breasts and slithered down her friend’s smooth body to kiss her on top of her pussy mound and trace her sharp little tongue through YO’s sparse black pubic hair.I leaned over so I could watch as Brandy opened YO’s pussy and pushed her tongue into it, licking and kissing her lips and up to her clitty.YO screamed as Brandy’s tongue slipped across her little pink bud that had swollen and popped out at the top of her wet lips.Brandy was determined to make YO cum with her mouth. She placed her mouth over YO’s pouting pussy, and I could see her soft, tender lips being sucked into her mouth.I looked up as Emily came to join the fun. Brandy was. " You're so sweet. Especially the way you smell and taste." As he rubbed his lips up and down the side of her neck, inhaling the womanly scent of her, his right hand quickly slipped inside the opening of her robe and brushed lightly over her pubic mound, his finger briefly tracing her slit. He felt her wetness, as he'd expected after his show, and with his left hand gave her nipple a firm tug. Her hips jerked, her pussy pressing against his hand. "Ethan, quit it!" she said huskily, but didn't pull away. "You're just so sweet, mom" he responded. "You shouldn't touch me that way, Ethan." She said quietly, but didn't try to stop his right hand as it gently massaged her swollen pussy lips, squeezed her stiff clit between the folds of her labia. He heard her breathing quicken and felt his erection return with a vengeance.The back door opened suddenly, and he jumped away from her. His Aunt Deb walked briskly into the kitchen. She was an attractive woman, curvaceous and sexy much like his.
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