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Well, it was really awe inspiring at first and somehow anti-climactic at first but it was well worth the wait. I guess I can say that both women are too much for my 3.5 inch cock.We were in the rockies for a winter holiday last December.To cut the chase short, Irene was onboard with the whole threesome idea. It turns out that it was harder to pick an escort than ask her. “I thought you guys would never ask” she said. “The last time I was at your place almost wanted to grab your little cock and suck it” she added. Both girls are giggling as we sat across the fireplace. “Easy on the small dick jokes. You’re gonna end up sucking it up anyway”. Irene just gave me a stare. As if saying “I’m gonna make a man out of that baby dick of your.s” My wife was all over Irene. It got me thinking that she might have had lesbian fantasies about fucking her. It did not take long before both were making out as if they were on a porno set. “Every man should get to see his wife have sex with someone. Not only that, but it was quickly discovered that women who swallowed semen regularly were immune from the virus' effects. Something about exposure to the Y chromosome, even through ingestion, kept the virus at bay.This discovery, as well as lack of progress on any sort of cure, led to rapid societal change on the scale that the world had never seen before. First it became a mercy, if not a necessary medical procedure, for the doctor to administer semen as a life saving measure. Meaning the doctors worldwide began jerking off into their coma patient's mouth to wake them up. Next they began prescribing blow jobs, or at least swallowing cum, to every woman on the planet. Sperm banks quickly emptied. As tolerance developed it was quickly beginning to appear womankind needed as much or more seed than all of mankind could produce, just to fight the effects.With the introduction of "public medication" laws and every erection being a luxury, consent had become barely a formality, as long as.
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