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Fred chuckled. "You like me, don't you?" Yes."She did like him. She liked the way he smelled and she liked what his fingers were doing to her. She was now in a hurry to be alone with him.Twenty minutes later they were in a cluttered little room with two grimy windows overlooking York Avenue. Marjorie was already out of her clothes, naked as she crouched down in front of him to get his trousers opened. She was still feeling the liquor she'd had, and now that she was committing adultery she was determined to enjoy it. At the moment she had no concern for Stanley; all she cared about now was getting what she wanted from Fred.She brought Fred's cock out of his fly and she smiled as she looked at it. He had a nice one, thick and pink and already wet at the swollen tip."It's like a banana," she said."No, it's like a wurst." You're German, aren't you?"Fred laughed. "This is Yorkville, isn't it?"He brought his balls out, two big eggs in a smooth scrotum, and then he moved his hips to get his. The pirate ships your vessel had the fight with have been using these islands as a base camp for many years now. The pirates attack their villages and drove them off their home island." The captain looked at the two natives fondly and then continued, "To be honest, I don't know how I stayed sane for all those years I was here by myself." The captain paused again for a moment and then continued, "The pirates you fought; do you have any idea the nationality of the crew?"The first mate replied, "I believe they were mostly Spanish, most of the orders I heard were in Spanish; however I do believe I heard some French and what I think was Portuguese. I know a little Spanish and I thought I heard what I always thought sounded like Portuguese. I'm positive I heard 2 men speaking French. Why?" Are either of our countries at war with Spain at this time?" The old man asked quietly.The first mate paused and chuckled, "Things change so quickly, to be honest, I really don't know. When we left,.
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