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This area had no official government and wasn’t part of the country let. The place was filled with sex, gold, and murder. It had dangerous men and even more dangerous women. In fact it had a lot more dangerous women then men. The town seems to breed strong, sexy and dangerous gals. Maybe it was something in the water.The people in the town are:Lisa Star- She was the Sheriff on these parts. She was a blond and tall and busty drink of water. Her Beauty was enough where she could be a stage star if she wanted. Men stared at her perfect body. She would even give some a roll in the hay if she was bored. She would even give women a roll in a hay but she didn’t take guff form no one. She was very busty with very long legs. She was also an excellent shot with her six gun. She could shoot off a fly’s wing from miles away and was lighting fast. She also could wrestle and love to use her legs. She had an indian deputy. He was charming fellow who wasn’t as strong or tall as Lisa but pretty good. The almost-invisible seam widened, until the clear dull grey ofan undergarment was visible. Carefully the opening was widened further,until he could almost see the edges of the skin at his sides. Suddenlylady-like in his motions, he began to pull his own fingers free of thefingers of the skin, and pull his arm free - first one then the other.He ducked down, and pulled the top half of the cured skin off his body,wriggling it down his fantastically slender middle and over his widegirlish hips. The secret to his figure was then revealed - the mostmarvellous corset ever conceived. The dull grey fabric was sodden withsweat, but still clung to his naked body - contorting it into a femininesweep. Bladders filled with water were attached at the top of thechest, and between the bottom of the corset and the metal ring thatcircled his thighs.Again, with patience, he reached behind himself and began to loosen thispunishing contraption, one segment at a time. Eventually, he pulled itoff.
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