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And I asked her not to tell anyone,’ he added in a miffed tone. Andrea laughed. ‘Well, she obviously told enough people for the rumor to get around.’ ‘Still, I can’t believe you didn’t realize I wasn’t attracted to you when I first asked you out,’ he said. ‘I thought that was just as friends,’ she replied defensively. ‘I kissed you. Several times in fact.’ ‘I thought you were just being friendly. And you didn’t try to take things any further.’ ‘I didn’t go further because I thought you wanted to take things slow,’ he complained. ‘Do your other friends – female friends – kiss you then?’ Andrea thought for a moment. ‘Some of them, yes.’ Derek’s eyes widened. ‘You’ll have to show me some time. I think I need to meet these girls and see it for myself.’ Andrea laughed and punched him in the arm. ‘Jerk. Still, I guess that’s not something a gay man would say.’ She grabbed the front of his robe and pulled him close. ‘You can forget about taking things slow now.’ Then she kissed him. "Go ahead, get in..." She walked around and got in the driver's seat. She took a deep breath, blotted her eyes and cheeks, and proceeded to tell me her story. "I told you I was here to visit my daughter. Well, she's 19, she just had a baby, and it's killing me!" "Well, why?" I wondered aloud. "I'm 44, and I'm HOT, and I CAN"T BE A GRANDMA! I don't feel like a grandma...but it's out of powers to change it." She paused, put her hand on my knee and continued. "The closer I got to my daughter's place, the crazier I started to feel. I stopped here, because I know what I need to do to make me feel young again." "And what would that be?" The Devil and my cock already knew the answer. "Fuck the first clean looking young guy that walked through that door!" she said, pointing to the deli entrance. "That just happened to be you...how old are you anyway? 23?" "Twenty-two," I lied. I was 27, but my baby face never has shown my real age, and I figured the lower the number, the better it would make.
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