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She lost her way and cut us out of her life.’ He hadn’t expected that. ‘You’ve had no contact?’ The Reverend nodded. ‘Very little. Annie lives with us. Amy couldn’t take care of her, she said.’ Frowning, he went on, ‘I think she was into drugs, running with the wrong crowd in Sheridan.’ Reid made a face. ‘Annie?’ ‘Her daughter. You remember.’ Did he ever. ‘Has Annie had contact with her mother?’ ‘Here and there.’ He shook his head. ‘Poor girl feels unwanted half the time. We do what we can, but that kind of damage isn’t easy to repair.’ ‘What about her father?’ Reid forced himself to ask. ‘Amy never did identify him.’ The Reverend pinned Reid with a look. ‘Coulda been you.’ ‘Should have,’ Reid agreed. ‘Paternity test said otherwise,’ he elaborated, his voice strained. ‘I know, son. I just wish my granddaughter had more than just her Gran and me.’ Just when he thought things were on-track, Amy was dead and he was talking to his ex father-in-law about the daughter who should have been. I've never been much into top's or bottom's, I like a good blow job, like to give a blow job, we both leave happy, although I'm a basic rookie at any anal sex, so I never really worried about that. I encounter at hand was the fourth or fifth time we'd hooked up. Each hook up involved he usual, I'd blow him, nice dick by the way, a little longer than mine, about 7 inches, then he'd blow me, we'd wrestle around, then eventually I'd blow my load and head to work. He'd ate my ass out one time, we'd talked about anal sex in the dirty of the moment, but it had never happened. Now the more we were together, the more I realized he was never going to cum, he claimed it was hard as he got older, blah, blah, blah, Honestly, its frustrating, I like to see a cock blow its load, take it in my mouth, sometimes swallow it. But he was having none of it. The more times I didn't get cum, the more frustrated I got and the more I wanted to make him my bitch. The more I became the top. That, and his.
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