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Most people know the building is empty and don't expect to see anyone around it but the homeless of which there are several, in several locations around the 17 acres. I walked about twenty yard over and sat near a group of trees on the ledge surrounding them and enjoyed my cigarette. While not hidden by the trees it did make it hard to get a direct view of me until you were driving or walking directly in front of the building on the street. I was enjoying myself and even walked around some while checking out the landscape crew across the street. As I put my cig out I noticed several black men walking on the sidewalk who had seemed to notice me as I heard one same "Damn, look at that bitch". I made a beeline for the door and made it inside vestibule and was relieved to be safe inside. I gathered my camera and put it in my purse back inside the lobby. As I turned back to make sure the outer Vestibule door had locked I heard the inner door behind me close! My Purse with the keys and my. She went to them to ask a light for her cigar, she bent the whole cleavage was visible, they didn’t know what to do, i some time, one fellow came to his senses, and lighted her cigar, she took all the boys to dance floor, she was gyrating her sexy ass, they were already hopelessly stunned, one boy was trying to kiss her, she led him and smooched him, i thought this was enough and went near her, she said, ok boys this is my man, was fun mingling with you, she called the manager and told, the bill is on her for these boys, one fellow asked innocently can he have her no, she smiled, grow up kiddo, you will not be able to handle me, my man is there net to me, i am his .She was high on spirits, i was thinking where to take her, it was too much waiting for me to fuck her, she led me to ladies rest room, i stood out, hey come in don’t worry, this is the place to fuck me today, i was like what, by this time i am already in the rest room, there was close to 6 couples who were fucking, it was.
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