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(Who knows, maybe we got a few others horny as well with our antics.) Not caring who might have seen or heard us, after catching our breath, I pulled you closer to me and slowly spread your legs open and placed the head of my penis against your swollen lips and pushed gently inside of you. I continued to push until I was buried as deep into you as I could go. Then laying down on top of you I began to trust in an out, very slowly as I took your nipples into my mouth and started to suck on them. You gasped as I gently bit your nipples and thrust even deeper inside of you. By this time, we could hear a few people awake next to us. Looking around, we saw a few girls with their fingers inside of their pussies watching us, and a guy stroking himself. There were also other couples starting to go at it just like we are, and a few girls beginning to eat one another out as well. So much for trying to be quiet, I thought, as I pushed even deeper into you, causing you to moan out loud. I rolled. You must be thirsty from driving and excitement." So sexy watching you two in that window upstairs", again Anna. Belle blushes.While I make four cold spritzers, Anna flares "What you were talking to us?I mean about being the master" ... "Haha, only for today. We play a role game.I will show you and introduce you to Stella Maris, who waits upstairs for us."I enjoy the glare at their bare bums moving as I follow their asses up the stairs.Both slits still wet from coming from their furious rub watching us from outside.Anna has nice firm tight bums matching her perk little titties and hard nipples.Belle's behind is a dancer on the stairs, as her hips. Two hotspots squint my eyes. The girls gasp as they see the red ass of Stella Maris and how wet her snatch is.My sperm still slowly leaks from her swollen sphinxter down her thick love lips."Isn't Stella Maris very pretty and sexy, AnnaBelle? Feel the heat at her bums."I notice the scare in their eyes. "No fears about me Mastering you, my.
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