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I tiptoed through the dark house, moving slowly to avoid hitting anything. Jake and Imelda must have cleared out of town as they had promised once semester ended; they would be long gone and a long time coming back.I stood near the kitchen in the dark and realized I needed a stiff one, so quiet as a thief, I opened a cupboard, took down a shot glass, and lifted one of the many bottles we kept on hand for emergencies like shitty test scores, bad breakups, and boredom. I grimaced at the thought of the oozing shitfest of the conference and poured four fingers. I was only there to meet and greet, and that I did extraordinarily badly thanks to poorly cooked food and endlessly runny bowels the night before the conference started; at least, it had cleared up in time for my flight.I sipped quietly as I relaxed in the dark quiet. I started when the fridge pump started up, primed for a jump-start by our weekend ghost movie marathons. I breathed in silently, listened for ominous shufflings in. She then gave him a black choke collar. It was like a dogs collar, with a metal loop to attached a leash. She told him to put it on and to keep it on at all times, even at work. He knew it would be visible above his work shirts, which caused him to turn red with embarrassment.The next day after work when he came home, she smiled and patted him on the top of his head. She told him to strip down naked, and when he did, she gave him a pair of pink panties and told him that he must always wear pink panties from then on. His face turned blazing red, but he put the pink panties on.She informed him that she had replaced all of his underwear with a variety of pink panties in his underwear drawer. She then told him he would have to remove all of his body hair, including his pubic hair, as little girly boys didn't have body hair. His face grew red again.After taking a shower, he came out wearing just his pink panties, as well as the band around his dick and balls, of course. Nancy pulled down.
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