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Tom came back on the air in 4 seconds on all the other stations to explain that the first station was forced into this! Tom gave the name and a copy of what happened he said, soon it will stop. Tom then told the people of Boeing not to sell stock in the company that they own. The company was removed as Boeing and all stock is now private and can only be sold back to the company that they now own! You have 1 week paid vacation on Boeing and 1 week on OMG Air. You are due to work in 2 weeks or retire! OMG Air is an employee-owned company only.Linda put a buy order for Boeing @ $14.30 a share. All laughed until the entire officers of the company, board members and big share-holders were rounded up and arrested for all types of charges. The $ 14.30 will cover the broker’s fee that is left. The people couldn’t believe what just occurred, Linda stepped in with 2 guards to make sure the business rehired the proper people. Tracy was assigned to oversee all technical opts. A small crew was. “Can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.” His accent was a slow drawl, reaffirming his farm boy status. Her lips puffed out a bit more as she put on her best pouting face. She knew he was enjoying the sight of her body, as everyone else did. In all honesty she had never cared much for breakfast, but she had a ferocious appetite for cock. She had been introduced to it only a year prior and since then she had chased after it and done everything she could to get it. “Aww…can’t you give the new girl a break? I’m really starving…”She leaned back a bit, letting her cleavage recede but opening her legs just a bit to show her red thong that was underneath and the dark spot that was quickly growing as she formed the images of him drilling into her mouth in her head. He shifted again, growing visibly uncomfortable as he tried to keep his focus on either her eyes or his newspaper. “It’s not my fault you got in trouble, should have eaten before you came to school.” And with that he lifted his.
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