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"I hope you have not taken my romantic mood too seriously" she said, "I hope that there is something raunchy in my presents"!She knew by now that most of our presents we bought each other were to do with our fabulous sex life. She opened the next present and found a heavy gold necklace, which I carefully put around her neck, kissing her neck as I fastened it.The next present was from Kate and Karl and when she opened the box and looked inside a smile came across her face. Inside was a clitoris vibrator. It consisted of a short plug, which fits into the vagina and has small flap at the top with raised dimples on that touch the clitoris. There was a small strap that held the device in place and a small external control unit on a lead to run it. Sally Anne wasted no time in testing it, slipping it into her panties and positioning it. She turned it on and lay back on the pillow allowing the smile to again spread across her face. After a surprisingly short time she shut her eyes and gasped. She went inside down the garage ramp and a few minutes later came to the door threw it open and I walked up the path and in the building closing the door behind me as she pushed the button for the elevator. I walked up and grabbed her ass as we waited for the elevator to arrive. When we got into the elevator there were several people there already and we stood at the back of the elevator and she rubbed my dick through my pants as she hid what she was doing behind her purse. We got off on the third floor and walked quickly to the end of the hall. I waited uncomfortably as she unlocked the door and my dick was getting hard at the thought of doing this big sexy woman.She led me into the suite and threw her purse on the floor by the door and quickly threw off her jean jacket. She moved quickly to the back of the place as I took my shoes and sock off, then tossing my jacket on the floor too.I walked down the hall to the bedroom (noticing the wedding photo on the wall of her and her.
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