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She reached her orgasm and her body quivered from it. The three of us collapsed together and the rest of the afternoon was spent that way. As evening approached, the girls decided it was time to go upstairs and shower before preparing dinner. I went to my room and waited for my turn to shower. I could hear the girls as they went down the stairs so I started for the shower. As I showered I began to jack off thinking about this afternoon's events. I finished my shower and went downstairs. The girls were setting the table. We sat down for dinner when I noticed Tami was acting very strange. I asked her, “What's going on?” She replied, “Jill lost a bet. She has to be our servant for the night. The only rules we have to follow are no pain and nothing that can bring harm.” After hearing that my mind pondered the endless possibilities it could bring. We finished dinner and went to the den to relax. I made us all a drink. We were relaxing, sipping our drinks when the doorbell rang. I got up. Occasionally there would be a receipt between the pages, but for the most part there would be just an entry of a purchase and sometimes a little note of why something was acquired. There were separate journals for expenditures as well. There was even a note from Mom. Dad had saved this after Mom received her engagement ring.I thumbed through most of these fairly quickly. I was looking for the time when Big Tony came to be involved with my family. As near as I could determine this happened about three years after I was born. There was a note: A very quiet Mr. Gabelli arrived today. It took six hours to make him comfortable. No expense. Paid $1,000 as agreed to. A week later Dad bought a used 1969 Ford pickup and paid $930 for it.Two weeks later there was another note: Purchased new dress for Janice. She has been commanded to be present at BT's to play hostess to a guest of his. Paid $70 for dress. Upset with Janice for agreeing to do this. She says no other alternative. I regret doing.
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