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He had spent quite a few hours in the office of Abbot Balfour and, being a professional criminal, had cased the bank.He briefed Steve and Ray about the layout of the bank, the security systems and cameras and most importantly on the arrangement whereby the bank closed at midday on the last Friday of the month so that the Manager, who had just flown in from KC, could stash the mob’s money in the vault and manipulate the bank records accordingly.They hatched a simple plan. Steve and Ray would keep a low profile until the bank closed on Friday and then they would gain access to the bank and keep the staff hostage until the Manger returned with the cash. They would force the Manager to open the vault and take not only the money that the Manager had bought down from KC, but all of the cash in the vault as well. The staff always remained in the locked bank until after 5pm on the last Friday of the month so they should not be disturbed by friends or relatives of the staff. They would lock. I laid very still afraid of being bitten, while they quickly began to savagely lick my breasts.My firm young boobs and nipples were being roughly treated by their tongues. I arched my back as the dog at my snatch again gave my pussy lips a hard nip, making me yell in pain.My pussy was being filled with the dog's spit, my breasts still being abused by the other two animals. My nipples began to grow hard by impulse, giving the merciless rapists the perfect targets to taste and abuse. I cried in pain as my body was abused from all sectors, unable to defend my frail sex organs, the dog on my right saw that my mouth was open and rammed his muzzle into my mouth, licking deep into my throat. I tried and tried to get him out but his muzzle forced the back of my head against the ground while his tongue explored my throat, the other two were content to keep violating me. My pussy and tits sore and red from abuse as my mouth was violated from the long tongue, so much pain, and I knew it was only.
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