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Eh, James?" Gerald said it with a show of the camaraderie of men, winking broadly to James and swatting her lightly on her ample bottom, hugging her to him with the next wave of his arm.James was too cautious to fall in the trap of going completely on the side of "all men are swine" with Gerald, but he chuckled quietly to show that he did indeed appreciate Gerald's wife and that he appreciated Gerald's humor. It was a bit stronger than appreciation, he thought, but no need to let that out!She let him press her close, laughed as he nuzzled the side of her breast, not too obviously, but a bit too much in front of this stranger in their home. Valerie suggested going off to bed. "Morning will be here before we know it" Yes, me for an early bed!" James responded "I'm all screwed up on the time since I got off the flight. I'll keep you up to all hours if you let me." Too late for an Early bed, James! It's after midnight and Gerald will be expected in on time, though you should have special. I could have spoken up,” she answered. “But there is no way I leave a friend in the condition and danger you’ve been in this week. I screwed up last month and I know what the consequences are.” Cinnamon had allowed herself to be used by Angel to get me to the Condo. That ended with Angel and Brenda going off a fourteenth floor rooftop. Neither of us were proud of the way we handled that case. And Cinnamon had only been working for me a few weeks. She came in with such a flurry of efficiency that I started depending on her immediately.“You’re too generous, girl,” I said, laughing. “I appreciate a friend as much as anyone and you’ve really been there for me. But you work for me and you’ve got your own life, too. I’ve already decided not to go back to the house today and maybe not tomorrow, either. It’s mostly errands to run and research to do. Why don’t you take today and tomorrow off? Then we’ll talk about some kind of regular schedule so you aren’t tied down by my crazy hours. Just.
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