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“And you are back today?” “Yes, your bath.” “Really?” “Yes.” I just looked down and said “Wow.” She stood up, offered her hand again and we both headed to the latrine. Essentially I thought I didn’t really care if the Army ever came back.It was the same as before but this time I got undressed in a hurry even before the bath was ready. I just stood there in the altogether wishing she would touch me. She noted my size and called me her “bratwurst boy”, winking at me. And after she was finished as I lay in the tub she gave me a really nice kiss and it gave me an erection which made her laugh, “du stander - Es steht auf”.“What? What does that mean, please?” “Uhm, hart auf? What you say, Hard On? It stands up?” I laughed, and excited, read off a litany of slang for her. Then, shy, I apologized for that.The next couple of days I had to assume the time by the sun hoping I would be sitting on my bed when she came. I assumed she would return and she did. It was the same routine but routinely. I grabbed his ass with my free hand and worshiped the firmness. Gently I tapped it and rubbed it as I got treated like the bitch I was becoming.As I continued to do as such, it dawned on me, Did I just become his bitch? Yes I answered myself and just kept sucking away. Roger started to moan seeing my new found enthusiasm. "Umm your a good bitch boy aren't you? I seen you eating my cum out of your ass. Should have closed the curtain if you didn't want me to see how much you really liked it." Just then Roger started groaning in pure pleasure. He pulled my head deep onto his shaft and started unloading into my mouth and down my throat. I could taste all his salty sweet goodness. He pulled me up and told me to make sure I swallowed it. I did and made sure to show him."Good slut boy. I now I know I may have other jobs for you at later dates." He grinned amusingly. He turned off the water and tossed me my towel. "Dry me off first then lets get the hell out of here when your done." I.
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