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She started texting. I had no idea who, but she knows I'm cool with her finding a booty call when I've been taken care of. She's a high maintenance slut. It's actually how we met. We started chatting online in a some perv site and the next thing you know, I was arranging and directing a gang bang for her. 6 guys, all over 8 inches that pounded her for a weekend. We had some girls too and the action was insanely hot. Fucking, cumming, oral, anal... you name it. She said she started to fall in love with me when I ate out her cream pie with 4 loads in her. I started to fall in love with her when we shared a cock and it turned her on. You see, I love women, but crave cock, I needed a woman that got that. She too loves women and craves cock... it's a great match. It wasn't long before Reginald showed up. He's 6'3, built, muscular and hung. He's easily the largest cock we've fucked together. 12, maybe even 13 inches. It's near impossible for him to fit into anything, but we love him. I am starving.”Radhika went to the washroom while I settled down the plates and the pizza box, turned on the movie and brought out the bottle of wine. I dimmed the lights and turned on the romantic ones after she came back.I sat just beside her on the sofa instead of the opposite. I offered her a slice and we started eating. Since the pizza box was on her side of the table, I had to reach out to the box over her legs. While taking a slice, I dropped some of the toppings on her leg. I extended my hand to clean it up. She exclaimed, “No!! It’s your food. You have to eat it.”“How?”“With your tongue, dumdum.”“Okay.”I bent down and ate the topping clear while planted a kiss on her inner legs. She let out a slight moan. I looked into her eyes and signed, “Just wait, tonight I am gonna make you do that a lot.” She understood me and we kept eating. I was getting an erection and my bulge was getting bigger and bigger.After finishing the pizza, we both in sharing chugged down a bottle of red.
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