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‘Okay Jennifer,’ Ken responded in that accent of his as she pushed the large panelled door open. She smiled as she led him inside, wiping her reddened, but still pretty, blue eyes as she went. Jennifer replayed the evening’s events as she set about making the coffee. How it could have so easily been so different if it weren’t for Ken. I could have been raped, or murdered even, she thought, and to think I almost kicked my saviour in the nuts. She smiled, and began to imagine what Ken’s ‘nuts’ would look like. She wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol, the fright she’d had, or perhaps she was just wondering about how best to show her gratitude….maybe, she thought. She suddenly stopped what she was doing. I’m going to do it with him. Jennifer’s eyes widened at the realisation, as if it weren’t really her that had made the decision. She looked down at her nipples as she stirred the coffee – they were hard, and she began to feel a little flushed. What shall I do? Sit by him and show him a. .. Nick Kane?” he asked in surprise in a bit stronger voice.“Yes, you remember we went to Edinboro together while you taught me Magic,” Nick reminded him, but he didn’t appear to believe that his friend could look so old.“Yes, it’s been a long time,” he said, but was looking at Jill and me.“Who are these strangers with you?” he demanded in a bit better voice.“This is my most recent student, Max Hardtrick and his Wife,” Nick told him.“Hardtrick ... I’ve heard that name somewhere,” Angus said but couldn’t recall where.“He was down in Atlanta when they had all of that trouble,” Nick reminded him.“Have you come all of this way to see a dying old man?” he asked us next.“No, I brought him up here for you to teach him more Magic,” Nick said but looked confused by what Angus had said.“What do you mean a ‘dying old man’?” he asked.“The doctors don’t give me long to live, and I don’t takes students or teach Magic anymore,” Angus told him.“With all of the medical spells that you know, why.
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