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Her body was perfect in proportion, weight, and shape. Even without makeup, her face could have graced the cover of any fashion magazine. A small well-trimmed patch of hair graced her pubic mound, attracting the eye without diminishing the attraction of the region below.Her status as sex symbol and film star was understandable. Millions of women couldn’t understand how she could turn her back on fame and fortune. Fans, reporters, and co-workers had besieged her with questions over her decision. The people that worked for her and whose livelihood depended on her working were angry at the sudden change in their fortune.She was homeless now. The house in Los Angeles had been sold and she hadn’t yet bought a place in Pennsylvania. The showy possessions had been auctioned off or donated to charity. All that remained were the few items that meant the most to her. Among them were her acting awards, a few childhood mementos, and her rock hunting gear.Hearing that Kelly had left with the. The swell of her breast grazed his bicep with the movement of the horse. He considered it fortunate that he had the back edge of the saddle between them, other wise she would feel his own swelling response to her nearness.'Yes, this is the drive. The house is just over that rise.' She indicated a low hill. When they reached the top, he was given a beautiful view of a ranch style home with a large barn and four other outbuildings - one was long and low and he could hear the cows being herded in for morning milking. A male voice could be heard talking to the cows as they moved into the building.'Who's here?''Billy Preston - he's the hired hand - only fourteen but strong as a bull and not too bright. His Ma thought he'd do better working than in school and I'm afraid I agree. I've known him since he was four and he thinks I'm like a sister. He's an only child and he's a bit touched.' Leanna tapped her temple with her finger. 'He talks a bit funny, but please don't tease him. He got.
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