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I saw nobody in the windows, but I don’t really know if somebody might have seen me. After a few minutes I pulled myself together and continued walking along the pedestrian path till it ended by a four way crossing which where there is some traffic even at night and where buses pass at all hours. I now did something that I would never think I would dare to do. It was all quiet and no cars or buses seemed to be approaching. I attached my Go Pro at a trash can and filmed myself crossing the street. Suddenly I heard a car approaching and I ran for all I was worth. If you have tried to run barefoot if maybe not stark naked that is a very exhilarating experience. I still chose to run along the street instead of the more secluded walking path that picked up on the other side of the street. The crave for naked exposure paired with a strong fear of actually getting caught was pushing me forward in spite of my common sense with was trying to tell me that this was way beyond crazy. The car. ” Sameera answered, equaly brazenly as she hugged my sister and we sat down on the sofa. ” Dont tell me Ashu has not brought a present for his sister. He has, although he does not know about it. Lets have drinks first.” said my sister Neha.We sat and enjoyed our drinks. There was a lot of laughter. Soon we were talking of sex and my wife began running her hand on my thigh and I began to get excited inspite of the presence of my sister in the room. Three drinks later, the women moved closer to each other as they were discussing lesbianism. I watched as my wife was talking about lesbian love with my own sister. Finally, Neha spoke up. “I love you both Ashu.” Neha was saying, “I want Sameera to be my lesbian lover for tonight. I hope you dont mind Ashu, if I borrow your wife for one night. She will be your birthday gift to your sister. I would not have dared to say this but I’m really drunk right now and I want Sameera for myself. Ashu, if you can have this beauty for life why not giver.
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