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Mandy's other hand had bunched up her own sun dress into her crotch and she pressed into her cunt through the layers of material.Tina sat on the coffee table inches from the pair of us. She splayed her legs and leaned back on the table. "Now I know where I get it from. I cannot leave myself alone. I finger fuck myself to sleep every night. I want to fuck everything that moves. Let's tease each other." Mandy and I were both shocked and delighted by Tina's revelations. Her hand slid down her belly and into her panties. Mandy and I watched and imagined what the shape of her outlined fingers and knuckles were doing.I slid my hands into my pants as she had done and intimately stroked and squeezed my bulging cock. Mandy whipped her sun dress over her head and imitated Tina's every move. For me it was like Mandy in stereo. The young Mandy on the coffee table and the mature voluptuous Mandy beside me.Mandy, then moved her panties to the side and lifted her ass off the couch, showing our. It made my cock harder, if that's possible, and made it twitch with excitement.This was crazy. Brothers and sisters aren't supposed to be doing this stuff together. While Sarah's licking felt really nice on my scrotum, to me it felt as if I were forcing her; plus, she couldn't move much, to reach the more sensitive parts of my cock.I stood up to change position, but I guess Sarah felt that I was stopping or something, so she grabbed my leg and kept me from moving away. She sat up on the floor and wrapped her arms around my thighs and put her lips around my throbbing cock. Instinctively, I reached down and held her head by the hair and I felt her other hand caressing my swollen balls.I still wasn't sure what's going on here, so I pulled my cock from her mouth and said "It was all just a joke, right?"She didn't say anything and I saw signs of doubt in her eyes. I was confused. I wanted her and she seemed to want me too, but the suddenness and unpreparedness of the situation make us.
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